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1.First things first.Our main business is to generate new ways of meeting both the practical and strategic needs of students, communities and organisations.We take an active role in curriculumn development that go a long way to build the capacities of individual students and communities.                  

2.Event Management. Major events require creative and critical thinking , PRACTIKAL offers you a chance to focus on your everyday activities while we take care of your one off event burderns of planning and implementing major events.We also offer a comprehensive event management training in People management.Resource management, Crowd management and sound management amongst other innovative offers.For training and event management please mailto: trainer@classicmail.co.za

3. Capacity Building for growing businesses.New business opportunities and challenges emerge everyday and organisations need to keep abreast with emerging issues however change is happening gradually or too abruptly for growing businesses.In order to help your organisation  focus on its  profitability we have designed the Corporate flexibilty training program to be implemented and aimed at middle to lower levels within the organisation.We also have the Executive flexibility training program aimed at the top managers responsible for turn around strategies.

4.Consultancy.Using our business and academic experience we can manouvre in both worlds comfortably in order to find solutions to problems that you may not even recognise exist in your organisation.We offer solicited and unsolicited consultancy in order to help your organisations.Our consultancy is mainly aimed at building your human and operative capacity while we leave you to deal with the  capital capacity of your organisation.