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Events in a box

PRACTIKAL  conducted  a Creative writing workshop on Saturday 3 November  2007  at Midlands State University with the aim of empowering potential and current writers with the life skills to write and publish their works. The workshop also extended its focus on helping writers to understand HIV and AIDS issues so that they do not discriminate and stigmatise people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) through their works

PRACTIKAL will begin a series of  Life skills training for at risk youth in marginalised communities in order to help them respond to their current chalenges and to use theatre as a vehicle for individual and community development.PRACTIKAL is calling for partner organisations that will help us achieve this goal.The project will begin on 25 November 2007.

PRACTIKAL  is pleased to announce that we will be conducting Presentation skills workshops in September 2008 at Midlands State University with the aim of complimenting the presentation skills taught in the classroom.The workshop will help individuals to understand the different presentation styles, using audio visual equipment and handling objections among other elements.Registration details and procedres will be announed soon.